If you want to get high - start with the name.

4 Mash-Up Brand Namings Explained

4 Mash-Up Brand Namings Explained

One of the most popular trends in brand naming is mash-up naming. When we have two or three names that describe a brand and combine them together, then we have a mash-up name. The mash-up formula has been a trend in brand naming for the last few years because the pop...
Top 3 of Our Favorite Spanglish Brand Naming

Top 3 of Our Favorite Spanglish Brand Naming

During our recent naming hunt in the internet we found some really funny Spanglish brand namings. For places like the USA it’s a common practice to name your brand with words, that will relate to both native Americans and immigrants. It’s the same for tourist...
4 Weird Brand Names To Analyze

4 Weird Brand Names To Analyze

The world archive of unusual brand names is thick and we love to dig in it. In our recent hunt for weird brand names, we chose 4 champions that will either inspire you or… depress you :). Depending on your viewpoint. The list starts with: Spotted Dick Spotted Dick is...
“Marlboro M” Is The Name Of 2016’s Most Anticipated Brand*

“Marlboro M” Is The Name Of 2016’s Most Anticipated Brand*

2016 is probably going to be the US’s most significant year in the legal marijuana market by far. The world’s largest tobacco manufacturer Philip Morris is about to start producing marijuana cigarettes. The new product is going to be named “Marlboro M”**. We all know...
The Landmarks Based Naming Scheme of Apple’s OS X

The Landmarks Based Naming Scheme of Apple’s OS X

OS X Maverick marks the beginning of a new naming scheme for Apple. El Capitan is the name of the latest OS update and follows the California landmark-based naming trend of the company. The name is highlighting the meaning of improvements and refinements that the...
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