If you want to get high - start with the name.

Three Famous Brands That Cut Their Original Names

Three Famous Brands That Cut Their Original Names

The digital revolution motivated many brands to take the decision to cut parts of their naming in order to have their names and logos  look good on multiple platforms, including mobile. If we start categorizing the different topics on brand names, we must definitely...
Do you know that this everyday word is actually a brand name?

Do you know that this everyday word is actually a brand name?

If we start to deconstruct the meaning of the word “surprise” we will inevitably come to the conclusion that it is almost always used to describe situations when we find out something unexpected. Since we love telling stories about brand naming and the meaning of the...
The secret story of 5 famous brand names

The secret story of 5 famous brand names

The world of brands is full of stories about naming. We love to collect such stories and present them to you regularly. Today we have a selection of 5 (probably secret) stories, which we bet will be interesting for you to read. So here we go: Panera Panera is a brand...
Iceland vs Iceland, government vs trademark

Iceland vs Iceland, government vs trademark

One of the most unusual and recent brand battles started when Iceland’s government undertook legal actions against a British supermarket that used its name. The motivation for taking this caution was to ensure the right of Icelandic companies to use the word “Iceland”...
4 everyday words that origin as brand naming

4 everyday words that origin as brand naming

Many words that we use in our everyday life were at first used as brand names. Eventually they turned into generic terms and this is probably the dream of every new brand. However, some brands don’t like that their name is used in a broader aspect than...
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