If you want to get high - start with the name.

The Success of Irrelevant Brand Naming

The Success of Irrelevant Brand Naming

Why on Earth would someone name their brand “Bitch” or “Bastard”? That’s probably the first thing most of the people would wonder when they hear about the rude name of a certain brand that contains such words. The wine brands “Royal Bitch”, “Happy Bitch”, “Sweet...
The curios fail of naming the Ford Motor’s E-car model

The curios fail of naming the Ford Motor’s E-car model

It’s interesting to dive back in time to see who the corporations have turned to for the naming of their products and services, to see who was responsible for naming fails and who approached this process in an unconventional way. It was not always advertising...
Where does the “meme” name origins from?

Where does the “meme” name origins from?

The naming of an idea is an aspect that should be considered when taking about brand naming. As an internet user you have probably noticed the circulation of the so-called “meme” images around the web. Currently memes are a trendy way to express your emotions,...
Why the naming with numbers is a double-edged sword?

Why the naming with numbers is a double-edged sword?

A lot of famous brands have numbers in their names. Some of them even start with such: 21st Century Fox 7Up 7 Eleven 3M The aforementioned are a great example of brands that are remembered even though they have numbers in their names. However, most of  the brand names...
Naming that got lost in translation – Part 3

Naming that got lost in translation – Part 3

Moving on with our Lost in translation series made us realise that car naming is a whole science. Some countries accept the brand’s name, otherс don’t. The significance of Skoda’s name is one of the remarkable cases, since the issue is with the brand’s name...
Brief history of Chupa Chups’ naming

Brief history of Chupa Chups’ naming

“Chupa chups” is one of the brands that would make every kiddo around the world smile when they hear it. The most popular Spanish lollipop has a very playful name and it’s internationally recognised. At first Enric Bernat, the man who “invented” the so-called “eating...
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