If you want to get high - start with the name.

The naming origin of Motorola

The naming origin of Motorola

Motorola was one of the world’s leading companies for mobile technology. Cell phones are probably the most well-known product to the wide public. However, Motorola was a multinational telecommunications company and as such was working on many projects such as product...
What is the Bluetooth technology name origin?

What is the Bluetooth technology name origin?

People may be wondering whether someone actually had blue teeth. Well, surprisingly, although a bit silly, the assumption is correct. Or so the legend says. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that we use in our everyday life. It serves to connect various devices,...
Name origin of the Pampers brand

Name origin of the Pampers brand

Today’s article is going to be about Pampers – a brand with a fresh idea which changed people’s lives. I should probably say that I got the inspiration about this particular brand because of my cute 9-months-old niece. The whole thing started back in 1961 as Procter...
How did Teddy bear get its name?

How did Teddy bear get its name?

I actually asked myself this question after stumbling upon the movie Ted on the TV during the weekend. Some of the American viewers of this website are probably familiar with the story. However, Teddy bears are popular all over the world and repeating the story of the...
Marlboro cigarettes – name origin of the brand

Marlboro cigarettes – name origin of the brand

One of the products that reach people from all ages (at least all that are of age) without a lot of advertising is the cigarettes. At least nowadays they don’t need ads. People just smoke them – not for the ad, but for the quality they offer. All this is combines...
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