Localancers – Name case1 min read

Localancers – The Local Freelancers

The Case

A club for local freelancers needed its online name. The e-directory is global, so an international “.com” domain was a must. The founders wanted one of the naming proposals to include the word “Local” in the logotype if possible.

The Solution

Like every startup, the budget didn’t allow for purchasing a short premium online domain, but after a few days of research, the HighNames team found the proper available for registration name – the made-up word: Localancers ( Local + Freelancers ). A descriptive word, supported by the slogan and the big map that welcomes everyone on the website. If you need WordPress coders, Graphic Designers or some other freelancers in your timezone – make sure you check the project. The visual interface and the fast filter (including rates) makes the finding task extremely easy. Visit the Localancers.com now.


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January 25, 2015