The case
A Bulgarian company approached us to come up with a name for their product – 100% organic juice. In the search for a unique name we had a few things in mind – the name should be short and easy to remember, should have a striking pronunciation, should resemble the nature of the product (juice). Another priority that is not only accounted for this specific naming quest but for all our project is that we’re aiming at names that can be strengthened with an analogical domain name. With the case of short names this becomes a rather difficult task but there are always options – one just has to have the skills to find and use them. And one last thing – the company started out offering 100% organic apple juice but they were expecting to expand the variety including other fruits so the name had to be descriptive, but not too concrete.
The solution
As mentioned, naming is a complicated process that includes many variables but Juzz fulfilled all criteria mentioned above. The jazzy sound of the name and all other attributes describing the product are the answer to this name case. Also, the incorrect spelling of the word juice makes it easier to position the brand name throughout the internet. The result is a delicious 100% organic juice made from apples, aronia, grapes, or pear, positioned on the local market with the tendency for future export. Their website is currently under construction but feel free to check out their profile on facebook.